December 24, 2010

Antipattern: give customer a hook

Sometimes, a customer is just irrelevant.
You see, he considers you as yet another body provider. People mean nothing, it is only about the business. "I don't expect you to ask me questions, I expect you to give me more resumes and I will select". The guy don't know and never he is actually interested in the country that provides those bodies to him. He just thinks that people living in the golden billion countries are The Ones, the rest are working for food and for the glorious shiny glossy future of that ones' billion.
Never hesitate to give them a hook. You can, you have the power to do so, and you have the right. Respect yourself. The worst thing you will loose is your job. Never mind, in the remaining world of 5 billion people the bright people can find their future.
That's the position you follow. If you think about yourself as professional and THE personality, you'd not sacrifice your achievements and your courage for the sake of a single stupid 1-golden-billioned stubborn body.

Sure, it is the antipattern. Though, it is always worth identifying your BATNA ( before communication happens.