August 23, 2010

While unemployed ...

... spending some "qualified management time" to recollect C programming skills.

I always loved writing shell scripts. Yet, data exchange between UNIX processes (and executed shell scripts in particular) has its own limitations. The only strong way to have full-fledged data exchange between 2 running shell scripts is through the file system. Not very fast, and you shouldn't forget to use the file locking mechanism to avoid race conditions :)

On the other hand, UNIX has old-fashioned shared memory API allowing processes to share in-memory data, and the similar-aged semaphores API to synchronize access to shared resources. Surprisingly, there is still no command-line utility reusing those APIs and providing synchronized access to in-memory data from shell script.

This ANSI C tool is for curious sysadmins and just unlucky scripts writers:

Compiled, unit-tested, subversioned ... ufff :)


  1. Hey, Roman :)

    Nice to see you on blogspot :).
    Shouldn't you consider a, for keep sources, builds there?

    It is a great communitity there and more easy way to get collaborators (as git provides great features for it).

  2. Sasha, nice to see you as well. Github is really interesting resource as you described it in your post, I'll take a deeper look.
